
Our society is built for men to succeed. Women do incredible things all the time but often have to face many more obstacles and challenges then a man would. Women have been seen as inferior for centuries and though it has gotten much better, it is still very much alive in many different places in our society. I believe we must come together to stand up and fight for equality and justice.
Among this social group there is so much diversity. There are women of all races, religions, and origins. Each and every woman has different opinions and experiences that shape them into the unique individual they are. Though they may suffer from different challenges depending on where they live, their career, or their religious practices and beliefs, all women face many of the same problems. Throughout the past century, we have made an incredible amount of progress striving toward gender equality but we still have ways to go. No matter the circumstances, women today face so many unfair and dehumanizing situations every single day. We are sexualized, harassed, cheated, and abused.
One event that has taken over social media this past month is the new abortion laws being enforced in some states. These laws outlaw abortion under any circumstances even for victims of rape, incest, or health conditions. These laws are completely unconstitutional, stripping women of the basic right to be in control of their own bodies. The people making these laws, claiming to be pro life, list solutions like adoption or foster care but do not plan on ever stepping up to help the millions of kids living in the hard conditions of foster homes or adoption agencies. There have been many stories where women have been forced to give birth to babies who had no chance of being born alive. There have also been circumstances where carrying out the birth of the baby puts the mother and child in great danger, sometimes even resulting in the both of their deaths.That in no way can be considered pro life. The amount of pain mothers and families are put through because this option was taken away from them is sickening. An abortion is not an easy choice for mothers, but should still be a choice.
Another place where women are discriminated against is in the workplace. Across the nation, it has been roughly measured that for every dollar earned by a man, a woman makes 77 cents. Other than the wage gap, there are countless opportunities like  promotions and big projects not even offered to capable women, just because they are a woman. A very large percent of working women also report to receiving less support from their superiors than their male coworkers and admit that sexual harassment is at least a small problem in their workplace. Think of where we would be if each opportunity was given to the most capable candidates regardless of gender, race, religion or anything else. We would have made so many more important advancement in our society.
These are just two examples of ways that women suffer in our society today. There are countless others especially in other parts of the world such as the middle east. No change will be made unless we stand up and speak out for what we believe and know is right. Each and every voice is a voice that should be and needs to be heard.

