The Powerhouse of Women!

Discrimination comes in many forms, one of which includes the oppression of women. Sexist stereotypes, unrealistic expectations, overcoming majorly male jobs, and rape are some of many things that women are challenged with. The difficulties of solidifying your identity, diving into diverse experiences, and seeking justice upon issues such as sexual violence are challenges that all women are tasked to overcome.

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Women share the challenge of having to balance their own identity with the one which society has cast upon them using sexist stereotypes and unrealistic expectations. For example, the stereotypical stay at home mother, where the mom is expected to take care of the children, clean, cook, and perform domestic tasks is one sexist stereotype. Women are held to many unrealistic physical expectation, one being an ideal body type of big breasts, a big butt,  and a skinny waist. How can women of all ages form their identity when so many of these stereotypes and expectations are cast upon them by society? It is limiting their access to individual identity.

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Mother Jones
The diverse backgrounds and experiences among women are what make them unique. In the article,  “War and Peace” soldier, wife, and mom Major Lisa Jaster becomes the third woman to graduate Army Ranger School. Lisa was determined to be a hero for her kids, set on showing them that true grit and focus can pay off no matter your gender. This story represents one of the many diverse experiences of women: Major Jaster entered into a majorly male job, overcoming all of the arising obstacles. I believe that every woman is tasked to overcome sexism at one point, which is exactly why women are so unique.

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Everyday Feminism
Over the course of history, women have been burdened with a lack of control over their bodies. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one in four girls are raped every year! Rape not only harms the body, but also the mind. It leaves a variety of internal wounds in women and girls that range from depression to PTSD. RAINN, one of the biggest organizations fighting against sexual violence in the Nation, continues to seek justice upon these victims, helping to restore a woman’s ability to protect and control her own body. With more action and hands of activism, issues such as rape are slowly diminished.

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Reader for Equality
The difficulties of solidifying your identity, diving into diverse experiences, and seeking justice upon issues such as sexual violence are challenges that all women are tasked to overcome. Women share the challenge of having to balance their own identity with the one which society has cast upon them using sexist stereotypes and unrealistic expectations. I believe that every woman is tasked to overcome sexism at one point, which is exactly why they are so unique. With more action and hands of activism, issues such as rape are slowly diminished. There are a variety of ways you can advocate for women in your community. Some of which include tuning in to rallies and marches near you, and keeping your eye out on a daily basis for women facing discrimination. The bottom line is that women are still discriminated against. Yes, our nation has come far with Women’s Rights, but there is still a ways to go.


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