
Immigrants have been traveling since the early 1700s. In fact most citizens inhabiting America today come from some sort of immigrant background that links as far back as the early pilgrims. What makes this social group unique in our society is that each and every one of them carries their own intriguing story that helps form a better culturally diverse union in which they call home. Aside from their rich background, these people face lots of challenges regarding their minority status as well as their job opportunities and sometimes unfair salaries within the United States. Those who enter the US illegally face an uphill battle against law enforcement, border patrol, and nationwide governing bodies as well as the communities themselves and the inhabiting citizens.

Washington Times
The stories that I’ve read about this social group show experiences such as being a minority group in a society that is predominantly white and receiving a drastic imbalance in wages between immigrants and American born citizens. These experiences show that even though these people are seeking better lives, they are still overlooked and mistreated based on their ethnic background and/or the color of their skin. Other words or ways that the individuals in this social group might use to describe themselves are unique in their own ways and I am my own person. The experiences that I share with individuals in this social group are being a new face in an old crowd as well as being new to everything around me. This experience is similar to my experience because on my first day of high school, I had no public school background nor did I know anybody within my school community.

The individuals in this social group are different from one another because they come from many different places and speak a variety of different languages. An example of this would be seen in plain sight in each community each day. We see new people every day that speak different languages and have a broad range of ethnicity. Successes that the group has faced has been overcoming such adversity in society as well as fighting for their freedom whether they are legal or illegal. Challenges that the group has faced is being respected by government and accepted for the many different purposes in which they are deciding to become American. Certain perspectives that are missing from this collection are the ones from illegal aliens to certified American citizens and how they live their everyday lives.
Fox News

Many members of this social group are facing certain justices and punishment based on how they are affecting the working class of America. Certain laws are being passed to lower the income of migrant workers because Americans claim they are not receiving a fair amount of income due to the immigrants sharing their jobs. An example of one of these laws is SB 1070 which states that everybody will receive lower wages, foreign or not, due the massive infrastructure of employees within the United States. The immigrated class of the US is almost being punished for attempting to seek out better fortunes within our country. By perceiving this idea of ignorance, it will affect the lives of not only immigrants but americans as well.

In conclusion I believe that all people have the right to be apart of the land of the free and the home of the brave of America because each and every person deserves individual freedom in which they may not be able to seek within their homelands. In a union where all people are treated equally, it is of our duty to accept this new era of immigrants and insure that they are adopting the lifestyles of true Americans. Immigrants with documentation and a legal citizenship have every right to inhabit our land and pursue careers. However, those that are not documented or seen as a citizen in the eyes of the law should not be taking jobs from the working class of America. Those that arrive illegally are liabilities to the american economy and liabilities to the citizens of US society.


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