Throughout the century people have chosen to migrate to different countries to try to change their lives in a positive way. This editorial will expand your understanding of immigrants and how their lives changed. When coming to the US people had to face immigration laws and difficulties in employment. Different types of immigrants usually struggle when relocating to the US and dealing with stereotypes.
This is an image of Arizona’s SB 1070 protest seen in this article. |
All these stories show that life can be stressful when wanting to become or being a US citizen. People who have crossed the border illegally feel stressed about getting deported like Josie when she explains her life troubles in the podcast Immigration Policy Then and Now . In the article Living in a homeland she barely knows after returning to Mexico Alejandra Pinzon feels trapped because when she tried to go back to Mexico to get an education she ended up having to stay there longer than intended. In some way we are all immigrants from different countries, unless your family is completely native americans. Both sides of my family came from different countries. My great great grandparents on my dad’s side came from Europe and my grandma is from Central America. Were all different but somewhat all alike.
Some of the Sicurella family from the article |
There are many groups of immigrants that have or wanted to become citizens of the US. The only thing that defines them is where they are from and what period in time they traveled. They all have stories of how their lives will or have changed after they migrated. In the early 20th century some of the Sicurella family, an article from National Parks Service, traveled to the US. Giuseppe D'Amico wanted to find a job as a electrician he couldn’t. His wife’s sister Maria Anna, which had already lived and worked in the states, had to teach him to be a seamstress. From there he became so good at making dresses that he promoted to being part-owner the Coquette Frocks, Inc. There have been many good and many bad stories when migrating to another country.
Some challenges that affect individuals in this group that others might have a hard time understanding are dealing with learning and communicating in a new language. They would need to learn to speak the common language in order to effectively become part of the community. An article from Los Angeles Times, tells how Irais Flores came to Santa Ana from Mexico but had a hard time finding a job not knowing english. People might not understand what immigrants have to go through to get a job, but to give an example would be for someone to learn a new language while working harder than everyone else to get paid less. Some people say that immigrants are dumb or dangerous and should go back to where they came from. Stereotypes do have a affect when it comes to first impressions. In the documentary The Harvest, Pearla was born in the US but gets comments telling her to go back to Mexico just because of her family. Pearla explains that she feels hurt when people say that because Mexico is not her home and if she leaves then to where.
Zulema L. and her mother and brother one of the migrant families from The Harvest |
Doing something small can have a big outcome. Something as small as not stereotyping miragents can positively change their day. There are many other ways to support immigrants, for example providing knowledge to courses in English, trade and vocational school to earn a certificate in order to get a better job. Even someone like me can change the mood of a migrant by treating them with respect.
Immigrants from around the world came to the US to change there live but were stereotyped as they struggled provide for their families and themselves. Immigrants that cross the border illegally feel stressed when they travel away from their home in fear of deportation. The only thing that defines immigrants is where they migrated from and when in history they traveled to the US. When people migrate somewhere new they have to adapt to their new community which might involve learning a new language or a new skill when working. People move to different countries so that they can support their family better in hopes to not be stereotyped or deported.
I like it because it said that immigrants just come to the USA and try to live better, but people just stereotype them, and they are just trying to make a living there.